Monday, December 28, 2015

Do What When With Who ???

This Blog Post was inspired by today's First 5 Devotional entitled "What Will You Do With Jesus?" I challenge you to download the FREE app and start spending / investing the First 5 minutes of your day in The Word. 

Do What When  ... 

I am the daughter of a Baptist preacher turned pastor. My father was an older man when he and momma had me (dad was born in 1919). Momma was 20 years younger than daddy, and yet it was momma who died when I was just 14 years young. 

I didn't know what to do with my grief, my emotions, my anger, my questions, my disappointment with life ... and God knows, I didn't know what to do with Jesus thru all of this. He soon faded away. 

I was saved. I was saved as a young girl, I remember my declaration of that spiritual transaction. I truly believed that Jesus was born of a virgin, He suffered under Pontus Pilate, He was unjustly condemned and was crucified on a cross. I believed that Jesus died on that cross for my sin and was buried in a borrowed tomb. And I also believed God raised Jesus from the dead just like He said He would. So I repented of my sin and made a conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ. I was baptized in a local lake, which was our custom, actually I was baptized more times than I can count, but that's another blog post. LOL And yet, as I grew older, I failed miserably at growing up in Jesus. I did not mature in my faith. My "seed" remained a starter seed. ... "Oh ye of little faith." 

Somewhere along the way I decided that Jesus could be my Savior, but I would be the one who would sit on the throne of my heart while Jesus patiently waited in the background. He never left me you know. 

Needless to say, as I searched for significance in all the wrong things, I started to live out a lifestyle of total rebellion. Daily, for many years, I grieved both The Holy Spirit and my daddy in ways I care not to recall. But God. 

But I kept on searching and in 1993, I finally found The King of Kings was always there with me and for me. So, I invited Jesus to take His proper place in my life. This time I crowned Him Lord of Lords in my life. 

But while in the midst of all my confusion God gave a song to one of His children that was recorded. When I'd go to church, which was often, as I still lived in daddy's house, daddy would always ask me to sing to sing this song. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I would oblige. Even in the midst of my personal storm, I'd sing. 

I've often wondered why he always wanted to hear this particular song, until today, thru this devotion my long time question was finally answered. This song was a prayer song for my daddy, a prayer that he eagerly prayed  that I would someday pray for myself in the midst of all my confusion. 

Well God answered daddy's prayer. I am not only praying this song prayer for me, but I am praying just like dad, that my children and their children will some day sing this same prayer song over their own lives, and the lives of their children. 

And I pray this today in Jesus name, with a spirit of Thanksgiving.  Amen! 

And now for the song/prayer. 

Lyrics to "What Shall I Do" 
By Tramaine Hawkins 

What shall I do 
What step should I take 
What move should I make 
Oh Lord, what shall I do

I'm going to wait
For an answer from You
I have nothing to lose
Oh Lord, I'm going to wait

I know You'll come through
With a blessing for me
Please Lord set my soul free
Oh Lord, I know you'll come through

I can't live without Your help
I am weak all by myself
Lord please give me the strength I need
So I can possess eternal peace

[Choir: repeats]

No one else can calm my fears
God alone can wipe away my tears
Glory to the mighty king
In Jesus Christ I have everything

Oh there's no one like Jesus
Who can heal broken hearts
And put them back together again

What shall I do
What step should I take
What move should I make
Oh, Lord What shall I do

I'm going to wait
I know you'll come through

In-Joy this video

I am ... Earline E. Blumhagen
I do .... Live & Learn. Love & Lead
You can ... Follow me on Social Media 

... as I am dedicated to "Helping others Maximize their God-given potential thru practical Biblical Truths and Inspiring Resources. 

v/text - 407.448.1987 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Some Christmas Love

Below is a blogpost of my response to today's (12/25/2015) First Five devotion. 

Ladies, do yourself a favor and download this app so that you too can spend/invest the first 5 minutes of everyday in God's Word. First Five is a ministry of P31 / Proverbs 31. 

God's Love .... 

I am coming to realize that there's a maturity that comes with knowing AND growing in Christ. With this maturity comes the wisdom to know that you always need to wear your "God lenses" whereby you are super naturally empowered to clearly see life and all your circumstances from God's perspective. 

I am also learning that as "God's Girls" we must only drink LIFE  from our  "God filtered cups," otherwise I promise you that you'll find yourself dead drunk with the world's nonsense. 

These are lessons that were taught to me early on in life, but my carnal mindset totally missed their meaning. 

And yet, because today  I serve a RISEN Saviour, on THIS Christmas, I am whole heartedly celebrating our Father's special way of gifting us with such wisdom. 

Wisdom that He took the time to wrap in the warmth of a virgin frame name Mary and delivered  to us via a lowly manger found in a small town called Bethlehem. 

So, I pray that that you will join me in celebrating this Christmas with a "Mary" spirit, believing that God can and will do EVERYTHING He said He would do. 

In Jesus name I pray this for you with thanksgiving. Amen! 

I am ... Earline E. Blumhagen
I strive to ... Live & Learn. Love & Lead
v/text - 407.448.1987

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Watch Me, Watch Me!

Serving Not To Be Seen  ... but because we truly LOVE is paramount. 

Especially in these days of Social Media, we must be vigilant to stay focused, as even the elect can get "caught up." 

Dear God,

May You continue to further open our eyes so that we can see ourselves as  "The Wretch"  You sought out, saved and sanctified thru many nameless and humble servants throughout every season of our lives. And God, please give us grace to serve like You. 

We pray this in Jesus name. Amen! 

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
Philippians 2:5-8 ESV

This blog post was inspired by First Five, a ministry of P31. Please download the app and start spending / investing your first 5 minutes of everyday in God's Word. After all, YOU have everything to gain by doing so. 


I am Earline E. Blumhagen
Follow me on Social Media as I ... 
Live & Learn. Love & Lead
v/text - 407.448.1987