Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Submit? Really???

Wives Submit? Really???   

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 
(Ephesians 5:22-24 NKJV)

Many women consciously choose not to be submissive to their husbands, and simply opt out of submitting, respecting and or honoring their husbands out of FEAR of  him being an "unworthy" husband. This is not good, because in reality, it's NOT about your husband, go figure, but it's ALL about what you chose to do with God's Word. So, your opting out is a bad decision. 

How so, you might be asking? Well, I'm glad you asked. Let's start by defining fear. 

What is FEAR? In this case I'll describe it as: a lack of faith, what can be a paralyzingly emotion, a response to the unknown, an anxiousness that leads to premeditated worry, False Evidence Appearing Real. 

How do you define fear? 

Fear can be reasonable, often it's unreasonable. FEAR acts as a Son Blocker. It's one of the top tools of The Enemy of our souls, Satan, The Devil himself.  

Fear oftentimes is NOT a good emotion to express. But there are times when fear is useful.

 Can you describe  a time when fear is good and useful? 

 When we fear doing the right thing, according to God's Word, WE actually block God's plan for our lives. In essence we're saying, "God I don't trust You  to know and understand  what I am dealing with here, so how about I take the lead?" 

Think about that. Do we really believe we know more than God? I mean, Really? 

If we take the time to examine or re-examine  vs just reading Isaiah 55:8,9, we'll find that God's ways and God's thoughts are much higher than ours. 
Now that's some good stuff. And, He can be trusted. 

Keep reading in Isaiah 55 and see what God does with the rain and snow for example. 

So ladies, how about just giving it a try "trusting and obeying" God in this area of your life. Try Him.  He'll lead you into ALL truth if you let Him. And that even means, among other things, that if you're in a physically or verbally abusive situation He'll even show you HOW to get to safety. 

Remember, He has His very BEST set aside just for you, so don't settle. And, if I can help in any way, I make myself available to you. 

Points to Ponder 
- Faith is "The Key"  to doors you don't even know exist. 

- Fear can never coexist with Faith. That's like trying to mix oil and water. As Daddy Use To Say, "that won't do." 

So join me in singing this simply- profound  old song. We'll song it as a prayer. It's entitled: 
"Without God, I Can Do Nothing." 

"Without God, I Can Do Nothing
Without God, I Would Surely Fail.
Without God, My Life Will Be Drifting,
Like A Ship, Without A Sail." 

Dear Lord God,  

Please help this woman / wife as she seeks to please YOU! Help her to understand that on her own, and in her own strength she can do NOTHING to please You. But help her to understand that You made pleasing You possible, as she accepts Your free gift of eternal and abundant life through The Cross of Jesus Christ, Your ONLY Begotten Son. 

God I Thank You for Jesus who submitted to Your will and gave His life on The Cross of Calvary. 

Thank You that by Fath, and NOT through Fear, the woman who is reading and praying this prayer right now has access to both eternal and abundant life in You. 

In Jesus' name we Thank You God and  say Amen! 
Now my friend, if you have made a decision of any kind after reading this post today, would you please let me know.  It's in-couraging to both me and others, and know that we will always protect your privacy. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

#AsUntoTheLord #FaithGod #GoodStuff 
#DeafAndSigningDIVASBookClub #DSDIVAS  #GodsHandsOrlando #GHA
#EarlineBlumhagen #WiFiPedalers 

This blog post was inspired by a message I received from a friend via FaceBook on September 2,2014.  Written as I travel through SouthWestern Pennsylvania via Amtrak.