Thursday, October 23, 2014

Holy Cyber Kissing ... Say What?

I'm not really sure where to start because the beginning stretches back several months, or at least several different hairstyles. LOL ... so, let's go there, kinda. 
But before we go way over there, let me first greet you with a Holy Cyber Kiss in the matchless name of Jesus The Christ. 
And, let me tell you how happy you have made me by stopping by my blog today. I hope you find it in-couraging, challenging and relaxing. 
Oh yes, I also want to thank those of you  who have recently made a tax deductible donation to our end of the year fund raising campaign in support of our baby, GHA and it's 2015 Missions and Ministry Outreach. 
Know that YOU are a blessing and it is only together that WE perform as God's Hands. This means that without your prayer and financial support, none of the helps we give to the Deaf, Youth and Families of Central Florida would be possible. AND that's REAL talk. So Thank You, Thank You, and Thank 
Now my friend, if you haven't given yet, stop your crying LOL ... I know you are hurting because you sooooo what to be a part of what God is doing thru GHA in these last days, and who in their sanctified mind wouldn't want to be a part of this awesomeness. 
So, do I have great news for you. 

You still have time. That's right. There's  still time for you to prayerfully  plan and pledge your giving to GHA 2015 programs in the spirit of "paying it forward." Now how cool is that? 

So as we say it in my neck of the woods, go ahead and let The Lord use you! 
On behalf of the many Deaf, youth, adults and families we serve everyday through the strategic programs of GHA Inc. THANK YOU in advance for giving. And you can do so through our website:

Or by mail. Our mailing address is: 
P O Box 585766
Orlando, Fl. 32858-5866

Or, you can use our Go Fund Me Account at:

Know that you are NEEDED and APPRECIATED!!! 
Oh, by the way, have you heard? We're getting ready to kick off the detailed planning for GHA's 4 distinct programs in 2015. 
1. TCI - The Community Interpreters 
2. AHKP - Anointed Hands Kidz Programs
3. LAG - Look At God Support and Training Services 
4. The WiFi Pedalers - Word Inspired Family Involvent Mission Outreach Tours 
These programs include outreach services such as:
- FREE Community based Sign Language Classes Learning Opportunities  
- A Christian BookClub for Deaf and Hearing Women 
- Deaf Leadership Retreats
- Camp We Sign,  an overnight summer camp for Deaf and Hearing a Youth ages 6-15
- Deaf & CODA Family Fun Days 
- APD/All Pro Dads. A monthly school based breakfast for community dads and their kids 
- i-Mom. A monthly school based Breakfast for moms and their kids. 

- GriefShare and AfterCare Christiam based recovery supports
- Statewide Parent Involvement workshops and resources 
- Christian Interpreters Conferences, Workshops, Internships & more ... 
And we need volunteers too. Let me if you or somebody you know have some time or other resources available in 2015 that you want to use to Make a Difference.  OK? 

Gotta go for now. So, Thank You again and God Bless! 

P.S. Jon and I are headed home from a 5 day mission ministry trip through Georgia. We visited a dear friend who suffered a stroke just 2 years ago, we attended a national leaders conference for All Pro Dad, and we met with a couple who happens to also be family who are very accomplished Christian mission ministers in Georgia. 

The meeting was "just what the doctor ordered," because God says that  "Iron sharpens Iron."

Needless to say, we are feeling really blessed as we head home to prepare for our 3rd missionary journey called "Facing  Your Fesrs." God willing we'll arrive home tonight and we'll be leaving on this Thursday, November 6th. 

Stay tuned for several catch up blog posts coming soon to include "Iowa 2014," "A Tribute to Uncle Freddie" and more. In the interim, thanks for stopping by and remember to always 
"Live and Learn. Love and Lead like Jesus."

Earline E. Holmes-Blumhagen
Live & Learn. Love & Lead
v/text - 407.448.1987