Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Struggle, Everybody Has One ...

Many of you have asked me the following questions: Why do we do this? How did I fall in love with cycling? Aren't you scared out there? First off, thank you for asking and here's my attempt at answering your question, but if I still miss it, PLEASE let me know and I'll revisit it until you are satisfied with a good understanding. OK? 

1. Why do we do this? I think that question can best be answered with a "snippet" from a chapter of my personal testimony. I call it, "The Struggle." 

You see by the time I was 14, my life had gone a totally different route from my peers, because of the chronic illness and ultimate death of my 39 year old mother. One of the things that happen to me as a result of this is I became a caretaker ... but I gave it all I had, doing it with a spirit of integrity. 

Integrity, I was taught that was a value everyone should seek to live by, so I tried ... I was a "saved but struggling" young lady that made some really bad decisions. So, by the time I was 20, I was a single mother, but soon thereafter married .... out of the will of both my Heavenly Father and my earthly father.

 I married a man almost 20 years my senior, who was also a "so called Muslim." Go figure. Needless to say there's another story behind that statement, but let's suffice it to say that this was a really bad decision on my part, as this is when I was introduced personally to domestic violence on a real note, BUT God!!!!

By the time my son was two years of age he contracted a deadly virus called Spinal Meningitis, BUT God. As a result of a very intensive battle for his life, he was left with a profound hearing loss. This was my intro to the world of D/deafness. 

My struggle .... Did you know that 90% of parents with d/Deaf children are hearing just like you and I? And brace yourself for this one, less than 10% of those parents and families will ever bother to learn sign language. Can you imagine that? Keeping in mind that most of what we learn, we do so by the age of 5. So, how are you suppose to learn if your parents, your immediate family, your caretaker cannot communicate with you? What do you do then? 

Most of the people we speak with about this can't imagine this, but it is a truth I deal with EVERYDAY of my life in one way or the other. Helping the Deaf, kids, youth and adults, evening the hearing realize and accept the fact that life is hard, and sometimes those we love the most hurt us in ways they may or may not realize.

Nevertheless YOU must make a decision for yourself to "Get Somewhere and BE Somebody." "Face YOUR Fears" and Know that "Your Mission Is Possible!" We use God's infallible WORD to confirm these truths. 

2. How did I fall in love with cycling? NOT! It's simply a means to a end. I don't even consider myself a cyclist, a sports enthusiast, athletic or any of that. Just this morning in Sunday School I messed up an illustration of being on the Defense vs. playing Offense. Ha ... I just do what I do, and our tricycles are the vehicles that God gave us to literally take His WORD across the country to thousands. 

Actually Jon and I both find it to be a very interesting approach to accomplishing "the mission" that He has called us to, to which I have / we have responded, "Yes Lord!" God takes care of our business as we take the time and concern to care for His. It's really a great working relationship. LOL 

3. Am I Scared? Honestly, most of the time no, but sometimes yes. But I've gotten to a point in my walk with God that it really doesn't matter whether I am or not! Really, because I am learning more everyday how to just do things afraid and make the Devil really mad. LOL 

For example some of the results we see during these Mission Possible Tours make a big difference in the way I approach things, and yet we won't know the real fruit of our obedience until God Himself reveals it to us in Heaven. Amen? In the interim, I'll share a short "testimony"with you from the last few days as to why I do what I do.

The names and cities noted here have been changed for integrity purposes. 

Anna's Story - Anna is a single mom I met in recent days. She serviced me by giving me a haircut, a not so good haircut I might add, Nevertheless, I showed an interest in Anna and found out she was a struggling single mom who had recently relocated to Florida. She had dreams and goals like many. I shared my venture in life with Anna, to which she expressed an interest and then I said a silent prayer for Anna, asking God to anoint her hands. I did this while paying my fee and graciously tipping her out, kinda like God does me often, giving me what I don't deserve. 

The next day when we were ready to leave that town I felt led to stop by Anna's workplace so she could see our trikes. She was ecstatic. So much so, she dragged her visiting friend who worked at a local pizza parlor out to the parking lot and attempted to tell her our full story? I overheard her messing the story up pretty badly, so I went back to straightened out a few of the vital details, that's when God showed up and He showed out through me, quietly right there in the parking lot. And all I did was allowed Him to simply speak His truth profoundly yet discreetly into these ladies' spirits, right there on the spot. 

The words I used were pretty simple, they went something like this. "God sent me on a tricycle from Key West to tell you that He knows what you're dealing with, He cares about you and your situation and He is able. Don't you dare insult Him by even thinking about taking yourself out. You can do this! This thing called life can be challenging, but you have access to everything you need to make the journey. YOU NEED HIM! He's enough! More of Him and less of you and less of them other folk you keep trying to depend on." 

I'm sure I said some other things and just maybe some of what I just said is for you too. I don't know, God knows and you know if He's speaking to you right now. If He is, RESPOND and do it with the quickness. If you have questions or just need somebody to pray with you, count me in. Call me, text me, email me .... I am here, for you and the many "Anna's " out there.  Know that you ARE loved and you are NOT alone! 

I've spoken with many just like Anna and her friend along the way. Sometimes I meet them on the streets, in stores, in churches we speak in, in small businesses and large businesses alike. In schools and where ever He leads. This is just SOME of what we do as The WiFi Pedalers, as Missionaries of Development as 2 regular folk who have just said YES to Jesus.  

Our 3 fold goal is always to:  Raise Deaf Awareness, Raise Friends, and Raise Funds all while sharing The Good News of Jesus The Christ, who is The God of The Bible, in the flesh. See John 1. 

Won't you partner with us? You can sow a financial seed into our ministry of any amount, anytime by visiting our website, GoFundMe, or by snail mail. And know that your prayer support is vital to the success of the ministry as well.

 I love you, We love you and Thank You a whole bunch for stopping by, 

Earline E. Holmes-Blumhagen ( and Jon) 
Live & Learn. Love & Lead
v/text - 407.448.1987
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Monday, November 10, 2014

Facing The Unexpected ... Already!

A Tribute to the late Dr. Myles Munroe

"Leadership is a Relay and not a Sprint, and The most important part of a Relay Race is not the Running, but the Passing of the Baton. " 
Dr. Myles Munroe

I am praying both with and for you AND myself on today as I join many around the world in grieving the loss of and thanking God for the gracious gifts He loaned this world, in the persons of the late Dr. Myles Munroe and his beautiful bride of 35 years. 

God greatly used this mighty Man and Woman of God in my life for many years to help develop and expand my thought processes in terms of my personal service to God as a Missionary of Development.

Because God was able to trust the Munroes with "blooming where they had been planted," many leaders have been developed worldwide, and Jon and I are even the more committed to "Cultivating Passionate Servant Leaders for Jesus among the Deaf, Youth and Families," as this is where we have been planted. But today the question is, can God trust YOU to bloom where you have been planted? 

On that note, I'd like to share a few thoughts with you that are designed to challenge YOU to 
"Get on Your mark, Get set and Go" after whatever God has called you to. 
Keeping in mind the fact that "God has NOT given You a spirit of fear." 
See 2 Timothy 1:7 

This fearless verse is also one of the 5 Fearless Scripture Song verses we have recorded on CD for this Mission possible Tour. We have over 100 copies of this professionally recorded CD to share with others  in the next few weeks. Your gifts to the ministry of God's Hands Agency helped made this happen. 

Remember that "Leadership is a Relay and not a Sprint, and The most important part of a Relay Race is not the Running, but the Passing of the Baton." 
Dr. Myles Munroe - 2014 

The Visual Object Lesson here is ... 
a picture of the Relay Runner and the Race ... 

As a Runner, you are to run not looking back, but rather BE in position to receive, with your hand strategically opened up behind you, this is the position of expectancy. You, the runner must come to the race expecting to receive the baton. 

As a Passionate Servant Leader, you must be willing to pass the Baton forward.  You can't keep the Baton AND pass the Baton, just like moma use to say, "you can't have your cake AND eat it too." Leaders don't hold on to the baton, they strategically let it go ... as you are too much weight for the Runner to have to drag along or carry, so know when to pass the baton. In the interim be willing to schedule and show up for practice runs. 

And whatever you do, please don't die with the Baton. Seek out some younger person, somebody from the next generation to mentor into being BETTER than you. This could be your child, a nephew, niece, neighbor, foster child, grandchild, etc.. Seek someone to be the recipient of you. "Paying it Forward!" 

The above were just a few personal thoughts I had that were inspired by Dr. Myles Monroe after listening to him speak at The 2014 World Legacy Conference in Orlando

You can watch this most powerful video on You Tube or check out my personal FaceBook Page. 

Dear God, 
We honor You and Thank You for Your love, Your care and Your concern for each of us. Thank You for the gift of salvation by which the born again Believer inherits eternity with you in Heaven where there is no more death, sickness, disease, or suffering. This is oh such Good News Father God, especially in times like these. So, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Father God, and Thank You for Jesus. 

Thank You for caring enough to save me and all of my sisters and brothers in Christ, to include Dr. Myles Munroe, his wife and the others that met You face to face after such a tragic accident on yesterday. Father, because I once was lost, but am now found, was blind but now I see, my heart bleeds for family, friends and even foe who don't know you in the pardon of their sin. 

God, I also thank You for Your WORD, which teaches us in complete and accurate detail how You feel towards those that are yet lost, enemies of The Cross, and those of us who understand and embrace Your clear command for us to Go, Teach and Baptize according to Your Word in Matthew 28:19,20. 

So, Dear God, as we humbly bow the knee in awe of You, we're asking You to draw each of us, nearer blessed Lord, to The Cross where You died. Help us to see You for who You are, so that we can ALL BE better concerning being about Your business  ... until You call us Home. 

In the interim we ask that You, The God of ALL comfort give Your peace to the Munroe family, Church family and friends, like only You can Father according to 2 Corithians 1. And bless all the others we should pray for, bless them in the manner that You know they stand in need of today. 

Dear God, we are both thanking and praising You in advance for Your perfect answer to our prayer. 
And, it's in Jesus' name that we pray, thank God, and  say Amen! 

And now one last thing. As Jon and I Pray while Purposefully Pedaling the 500 miles, to include the 7 mile bridge, back to Orlando from Key West starting on tomorrow, will you PLEASE consider Praying, Pledging and Paying forward the ability for us to provide the Leadership training programs of God's Hands Agency in 2015? 

The Mission Is Possible you know. And this is what it can look like in dollars and cents for you. 

$0.02 per mile = $10
$0.10 per mile = $50
$0.25 per mile = $125
$0.50 per mile = $250 
$0.75 per mile = $375
$1.00 per mile = $500

Or, you decide the amount you'd like to give. Just know that your gifts will help make GHA's Leadership Development programs among the Deaf, Youth and Families possible in 2015. 

Feel free to:
Give online or by mail ... 
GHA / God's Hands Agency
P O Box 585766
Orlando, FL 32858-5766

And remember ... 
God has not given us a spirit of fear;
God has not given us a spirit of fear;
God has not given us a spirit of fear;
God has not given us a spirit of fear;
But of power (but of power); and of love (and of love); 
and of a sound mind (of a sound mind); 
Are you ready? Yes!
Are you ready? Yes! To show your sound mind?!
We're ready! Yes!
We're ready! Yes! To show our sound mind!
Okay!....1,2,3, let's hear it!
God has not given us a spirit of fear; God has not given us a spirit of fear!
2 Timothy 1:7

Remember that this and 4 other scripture songs are available on CD for a suggested donation of $10 plus shipping and handling. Either way, know that your financial gifts help us help us to BE the passionate servant leaders God is calling for. 

For our day to day activities follow Jon's blog at 

Know that it's Through His Grace Alone, 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Holy Cyber Kissing ... Say What?

I'm not really sure where to start because the beginning stretches back several months, or at least several different hairstyles. LOL ... so, let's go there, kinda. 
But before we go way over there, let me first greet you with a Holy Cyber Kiss in the matchless name of Jesus The Christ. 
And, let me tell you how happy you have made me by stopping by my blog today. I hope you find it in-couraging, challenging and relaxing. 
Oh yes, I also want to thank those of you  who have recently made a tax deductible donation to our end of the year fund raising campaign in support of our baby, GHA and it's 2015 Missions and Ministry Outreach. 
Know that YOU are a blessing and it is only together that WE perform as God's Hands. This means that without your prayer and financial support, none of the helps we give to the Deaf, Youth and Families of Central Florida would be possible. AND that's REAL talk. So Thank You, Thank You, and Thank 
Now my friend, if you haven't given yet, stop your crying LOL ... I know you are hurting because you sooooo what to be a part of what God is doing thru GHA in these last days, and who in their sanctified mind wouldn't want to be a part of this awesomeness. 
So, do I have great news for you. 

You still have time. That's right. There's  still time for you to prayerfully  plan and pledge your giving to GHA 2015 programs in the spirit of "paying it forward." Now how cool is that? 

So as we say it in my neck of the woods, go ahead and let The Lord use you! 
On behalf of the many Deaf, youth, adults and families we serve everyday through the strategic programs of GHA Inc. THANK YOU in advance for giving. And you can do so through our website:

Or by mail. Our mailing address is: 
P O Box 585766
Orlando, Fl. 32858-5866

Or, you can use our Go Fund Me Account at:

Know that you are NEEDED and APPRECIATED!!! 
Oh, by the way, have you heard? We're getting ready to kick off the detailed planning for GHA's 4 distinct programs in 2015. 
1. TCI - The Community Interpreters 
2. AHKP - Anointed Hands Kidz Programs
3. LAG - Look At God Support and Training Services 
4. The WiFi Pedalers - Word Inspired Family Involvent Mission Outreach Tours 
These programs include outreach services such as:
- FREE Community based Sign Language Classes Learning Opportunities  
- A Christian BookClub for Deaf and Hearing Women 
- Deaf Leadership Retreats
- Camp We Sign,  an overnight summer camp for Deaf and Hearing a Youth ages 6-15
- Deaf & CODA Family Fun Days 
- APD/All Pro Dads. A monthly school based breakfast for community dads and their kids 
- i-Mom. A monthly school based Breakfast for moms and their kids. 

- GriefShare and AfterCare Christiam based recovery supports
- Statewide Parent Involvement workshops and resources 
- Christian Interpreters Conferences, Workshops, Internships & more ... 
And we need volunteers too. Let me if you or somebody you know have some time or other resources available in 2015 that you want to use to Make a Difference.  OK? 

Gotta go for now. So, Thank You again and God Bless! 

P.S. Jon and I are headed home from a 5 day mission ministry trip through Georgia. We visited a dear friend who suffered a stroke just 2 years ago, we attended a national leaders conference for All Pro Dad, and we met with a couple who happens to also be family who are very accomplished Christian mission ministers in Georgia. 

The meeting was "just what the doctor ordered," because God says that  "Iron sharpens Iron."

Needless to say, we are feeling really blessed as we head home to prepare for our 3rd missionary journey called "Facing  Your Fesrs." God willing we'll arrive home tonight and we'll be leaving on this Thursday, November 6th. 

Stay tuned for several catch up blog posts coming soon to include "Iowa 2014," "A Tribute to Uncle Freddie" and more. In the interim, thanks for stopping by and remember to always 
"Live and Learn. Love and Lead like Jesus."

Earline E. Holmes-Blumhagen
Live & Learn. Love & Lead
v/text - 407.448.1987