Monday, July 4, 2016

Are You Really Free? Really?

This blog post was adopted from my friend, and fellow sign language interpreter Linda Hook. 

Join me in welcoming our first guest blogger on this Indepence Day 2016. 


 We celebrate the freedoms set forth in this country so many years ago ... while trying to be positive in remembering our beginnings.  

But, I can't get this sick feeling out of the pit of my stomach about which direction America is going right now ... 

And yet, I'm thanking My Lord, for reminding me further about the FREEDOM He has made available more than 2000 yrs ago, on the old rugged cross! 

 The Cross of Jesus freed me from any bondage that could ever be named on this earth ...

 As a matter of fact, The Scripture tells us in John 8:36 "if the Son has made you free, you ARE free INDEED." 

Thanks be to God for that unspeakable gift! 

And  I pray the same for all who read this ... if you are not free, step out and claim the gift of forgiveness and freedom that Jesus gave freely to you and I. And also note that true deliverance has been given as well, when He rose from the grave.

So, Happy Independence Day and Happy Freedom through Christ. 

Thanks for stopping by! 

I  am Earline Blumhagen ... 
a Signing Mom 
a Resource Sharing Guru 
a Biblical Life Coach 
a Grief Supports Guru 
a Recovering PK
a Mess Ministry fleshed out, 
a "Wanna Be Blogger" 



  1. Earline, Thanks. This was great.

  2. Earline, Thanks. This was great.
