Making It CLEAR In Haiti
I encourage you to join me in that study.
After my return home that I settled in on 1 Corinthians 14:8
And if the bugler doesn’t sound a clear call,
how will the soldiers know they are being called to battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT)
Welcome to Haiti
Lots of street market activity
Lots of countryside
My view from the hotel
The people were always busy!
Carolle checking out some fresh coconut
In Haiti, there are people everywhere, moving about at all times.
Obviously they need THE LORD. It was somewhat overwhelming at first,
that is until I stopped and asked Him to help me. I said something like,
"Make it clear dear God, show me who I am to reach out to, and when."
And if the bugler doesn’t sound a clear call, how will the
soldiers know they are being called to battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT)
soldiers know they are being called to battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT)
School girls. I love the fact that ALL the kids who were going to school wore uniforms. |
85 to 90% of the schools are privatized. No money, no school in Haiti. Education is a privilege and seen as "the way out." |
It's important that your message, whatever it is, is clear.
If you're sharing the fact that Jesus is the answer, share WHY He's the answer.
Make it clear.
Many times our message is not clearly
communicated because we don't know ourselves.
With foreign missions, you have to be able to articulate
your thoughts clearly for open communication.
This is also my experience with working within the Deaf community.
The call I received was clear.
It came less than 90 days after I heard and interpreted at church for a medical missions
report from Haiti. That day, I said, "I'd like to go to Haiti, but not like that."
In less than three months, God responded. He said,
"Earline, that desire you have, the one you never spoke of to anyone,
that was from Me. I want you to go to Haiti."
This pic from The Mission Possible tour. It always reminds me of how God CLEARLY led Jon and I one evening when we didn't know which way to go. God used TWO STRAY DOGS to lead us to this cross. After we arrived at the cross, they left. Mission completed. [Click HERE for more details about this story.] Right now I am singing: "He Leadeth Me, He Leadeth Me, by His Own Hand He Leadeth Me. His Faithful Follower I will be, by His Own Hand He Leadeth Me." You might be thinking right now, I could NEVER do this or that ... |
and I totally get it, because there was a time that I
wouldn't have done some of the things I am doing these days either.
The truth of the matter is that the call God has on my life is different,
and I have accepted that. But it was not always that clear for me either.
After all, my call didn't "look like" the call God had placed on other peoples lives.
I thought being called by God to serve Him among other people meant
that I had to become a preacher, pastor, singer, musician, or evangelist.
And there was no way I was doing either of those, because God didn't tell me to,
nor had He gifted me like that, contrary to what everybody told me all my life.
But there was this I DID know.
I knew I was saved, as when I was just a young
child, I decided to make Jesus my choice.
But the question was clearly COULD He, or WOULD He
ever be able to use me in His service?
Beachside in Montruis on a rainy day |
Another one of my self portraits - [selfies!] I think I'm getting better at this. I don't like asking people to take pictures of me. That's something God's gonna have to "clearly" help me get over. |
More of Haiti. EVERYTHING is for sale on the streets. |
And if the bugler doesn’t sound a CLEAR call,
how will the soldiers know they are being called to battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT)
I thought and reasoned that way for a very long time….
wondering if I could be used in God's service.
As a matter of fact, I thought that if God was calling me to be used in His service,
wondering if I could be used in God's service.
As a matter of fact, I thought that if God was calling me to be used in His service,
HE should know that He needed to give me something to work with….a gift,
some kind of talent, some money, a talented family… SOMETHING!
This is how I reasoned, and I submit to you that many Christians feel the same way.
I mean, He'd need to gift me with some special abilities to do "something" meaningful.
I mean, He'd need to gift me with some special abilities to do "something" meaningful.
Something other than talk [daddy said my mouth was my gift],
or be a caretaker, I knew I did that well .. but it was so mundane.
The sound of the bugler's call was NOT clear.
What in the world could I do that could bring glory to Him?
Look at the head action. They carry EVERYTHING on top of their heads. No sagging shoulders and hurt backs. Hmmmm...something to consider. |
Heavily armed security was at the hotel, and the rental car agency, and at the restaurant….they were always everywhere. And they always had BIG guns. Interesting huh? |
We called ourselves Charlie's / Angels!
This young man told me that his shirt that says "Got AR?" means he's packing. I told him I was packing, too! He'd better be scared….LOL. |
Aside from having received my ticket to Heaven when I die,
which I knew was brought and paid for by Jesus, I still questioned,
what in the world did God save ME for? Why did He leave me here?
I had a desire to tell others about Him, help others get to know Him better,
but couldn't figure out my specific calling. Even when I joined others in street evangelism,
or door to door evangelism, and I did a lot of that, I was not fulfilled.
I even led teams out and God always blessed my efforts with fruit.
Yet, I knew that wasn't it for me.
Was something wrong with me? Or was I suppose to just settle into this?
The sound of bugler's call wasn't very clear for ME.
In the words of Reggie, my deaf son, "What for?"
That was the question always in the forefront of my mind.
It's ALWAYS good to be nice. |
My friends and partners in the mission. It was just the four of us. |
And if the bugler doesn’t sound a CLEAR call, how
will the soldiers KNOW they are being called to battle?
(1 Corinthians 14:8 NLT)
I decided to take my godly husband's advice. He would simply say,
"Honey, when you don't know what to do, do what you KNOW to do."
So, I eventually figured out that I had to learn some things for myself.
True, the buglers in my life were not sounding a CLEAR call of action for me,
and God knew my heart, so He allowed opportunities for me to
sho-nuff pray, seek His face and study.
Yep, that was my final answer, so, pray, seek and study I did.
Everytime I heard of a Bible and or Book study, I tuned in.
I went to all kinds of Bible and book studies for Christian women,
and God honored my heart's desire.
He even gave me direct access to a godly woman who served as a mentor to me.
I was in a place where I was starting to hear the bugler sounding
a CLEAR call through the teaching of God's Word.
I've learned that my "care-taking" experience is a major GIFT God has granted.
I am grateful, and use it often in His service, for HIS glory.
My 95 year young friend in Boca was raised in an orphanage. |
A dear friend, and mighty woman of God, Joyce Ward. She's been in a wheelchair over 40 years. |
A professor and friend who shared life with me in Europe this Spring.
Another opportunity for a CLEAR sound to go forth.
I ran across a passage of scripture God used David to write that said,
"God had made me in a wonderfully complex manner, and His
workmanship is marvelous. Every day of my life was recorded in His book.
And every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." see Psalm 139.
My friend, I learned that God wanted ME to get to a place where I would recognize
that He had a plan for my life, and then seek Him out for that plan.
Then and ONLY then was I able to hear and understand the sound that the bugler made.
And as I LEARNED to intently listen, I heard a CLEAR call to action,
specifically sounded for me. It came as it always does,
through THE infallible Word of God.
I simply had to go deeper in Him, and to this day,
I pray that I will always have the desire to continue to go deeper still.
Hard working folk in Haiti |
Those baskets are MADE in Haiti. The artisans are gifted people. |
However, keeping things clean is not a priority. |
I understand that there's lots of corruption among the police. Pray! |
A days work |
Selling charcoal |
YOUR Turn.
How about YOU? Do you know that He has a very specific plan for YOUR life?
Are you ready to go deeper still?
Are you aware that you are being called to battle?
When I was invited to go to Haiti, immediately I started seeking God's face for clarity in my
communication. I wanted to be sure to "sound a CLEAR call," for all those I encountered.
communication. I wanted to be sure to "sound a CLEAR call," for all those I encountered.
The Who and Why Haiti
The invitation to Haiti, for the mission ministry of GHA, came through Nouchelle Hastings,
the President of Hit the Ground Running Now, a project management company
based in Orlando, Florida; and Carolle Joseph, the owner of Dream Spa & Beauty Salon,
and the visionary and president of DALC / Dream Academy & Leadership Center,
a collaborative educational and technical training institution of innovated leadership
programs for disadvantaged women and children in Haiti.
Carolle's husband, Mr. Joseph Our very capable driver and guide….I prayed for him and over him daily. God used him tremendously. I felt safe the entire time. He and Carolle both are natives of Haiti. |
... and here's Carolle….the VISIONARY. |
Shelley Hastings, the project manager. Always giving directives…. LOL |
The purpose of THIS particular mission
tour was three-fold.
1. A TEAM building effort among the collaborating mission ministries
involved in project DALC, to include:
- Dream Spa & Beauty - Facebook Page for Dream Beauty Salon
- Go Cares Mentoring - Facebook page for Go Cares
- Vision of Flight - Website for Vision of Flight
- GHA - God's Hands Agency, Inc - Facebook page for GHA
2. To participate in a formal strategic round table conducted
by Haiti's Chief De Cabinet, Jean Pierre Mangoes with The Centre De Facilitation
concerning strategic next steps for DALC,
in addition to much strategic contact building among the various Haitian
MINISTRIES, which is what they call their government affairs offices.
3. For GHA, we also went to Haiti so that we could do
what we do: "Work the works of Him who sent us." Please reference Mark 9:4.
THIS is who we are and what we do.
In Haiti we were blessed with the opportunity to introduce some to our
Jesus, The Christ, The Son of the Living God, The One and Only Messiah who was
born of a virgin named Mary, who suffered under the hands of Pontus Pilate,
He, who knew NO sin and yet was made sin for us all; Jesus, who willingly let
His own people, via the Romans, crucify Him. We boldly shared Jesus,
the One who died and was buried in a borrowed tomb.
I sought to make it CLEAR that I was talking about Jesus of whom Matthew,
Mark and John all recorded the following concerning Him:
Carolle is starting to let God use her in more ways than one. She was my translator. |
Matthew declared:
“This fellow said, ‘I am able to destroy the temple of God and rebuild it in three days.’ ”
See Matthew 26:61
Mark said:
“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple made with human hands
and in three days will build another, not made with hands.’ ”
Mark 14:58
Even John the beloved said:
"Jesus answered them, 'Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.' "
John 2:19
And God's Word says, "But on the third day after his death, God raised him to life
and let him be seen openly. He was not seen by everyone,
but only by us, the ones God had already chosen to be witnesses.
We ate and drank with him after he was raised from death."
See Acts 10:40-41
This is He whom we introduced to some and presented to others in Haiti.
And God honored our efforts.
Cultivating Servant Leaders for Jesus is what we call it at GHA.
So here's our final report for "GHA goes to Haiti" November 2013.
Please pray for each of these listed and feel free to post or submit any questions
you might have. There's a very interesting story behind each outreach noted.
Here Carolle is translating for me as I shared the Gospel with her sisters. |
The elderly lady in the green top HITCHED a ride with us from Ft. Lauderdale to Orlando. |
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One young lady, a Haitian national, age 25 was gloriously saved on
this mission. It was amazing watching God at work in her life, as He
powerfully broke through Guerreda's spirit of pride right before our eyes.
She wept just like God's baby girl's do when we are godly sorry for sinning
against Him. What a SWEET SPIRIT entered the small room of her sister's apartment
as she repented and gave her life to The Lord!!….by flashlight?
For really y'all, there were NO utilities, and it was sooooo hot, but God.
This young lady does not have a Bible and desires to have one.
I promised to send her a French / Creole Bible by her brother-in-law when
he returns in three weeks. In the interim, please PRAY that she is able to find
a Jesus-honoring Bible-teaching church,
and stays away from the voodoo practices that are very common in Haiti.
Led her to the Lord in the dark. Jesus is THE LIGHT, so who needs electricity to do His bidding!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
Carolle's older sister, a nurse, told me that she is a Christian.
But Carolle knew she was living a lifestyle contrary to God's Word.
Carolle herself, empowered by The Holy Spirit, counseled and prayed with her sister.
Remember, Carolle is a NEW christian, a baby in Jesus, and yet,
this "baby" swept me off my feet as she counseled and prayed with the
yoke-destroying anointing on her life. I mean God was all over her!
It was so powerful!….she prayed in Creole and I sang songs of deliverance in English.
Carolle...I'd pay to know her thoughts at this point! [smile] Sitting in her sister's apartment by flashlight. [My i-phone camera did a good job.] |
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I also had the unplanned opportunity to minister to a sweet,
sweet couple, whose marriage is now on the road to recovery
in Jesus name. Please join me in praying for this couple.
There are some major issues that they must address, otherwise the
devil will win. Pray that they do the hard work required to have what
they both stated to me that they want, "a marriage without regrets."
The wife is saved, the husband has yet to make a decision for Jesus,
but I planted the seed? Please pray the God of the harvest sends
someone to water, and that He will bring about the increase.
Albeit, he, the hubby, assured me that he's thinking about it.
Also pray that he doesn't presume on God, and wait too long.
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Carolle has committed to Believer's baptism. I had the blessed opportunity of leading
this servant leader into a personal relationship with Jesus some six weeks ago.
Now, SHE is well on her way to becoming a servant leader for Jesus! Thank God and Amen!
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We were also able to reach out to a couple that lives in Miami and
has a deaf daughter. They overheard me sharing GHA with another while on our
flight home. Only God can arrange things just so.
Both the mother and father, on three separate occasions,
engaged me in conversation and asked for more info on GHA.
I can't wait to see how God uses GHA in their lives.
Go God!
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The ministry of encouragement was in full force on the flight home, as well as on the ground.
As God would have it, I was sitting next to a missionary who had been in Haiti for
ELEVEN years and was leaving one mission field to report to another.
She was going back home to Canada to care for her unsaved,
sickly and aging parents. We shared some powerful prayer time and scripture.
She shared of her experiences in Haiti and many a testimony.
We're were both in awe of God's gracious goodness when the pilot announced we
would soon be landing. My new friend stated that God used me to make the trip
home not only bearable, but enjoyable. Needless to say she'll be grieving for a
while, as she adjusts to leaving the people of Haiti that
she has learned to love in a God inspiring way.
My new friend, the missionary Barbara from Canada. |
Dog tired…AGAIN! LOL |
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I have so much more I could share with you, but at this point, I can't handle it.
LOL….I am both hungry and tired.
Pray me through as I adjust and prepare for my responsibilities here at home.
And to our "Come & Go" partners, KNOW that
EVERY time I think of you,
I give thanks to my God. [Philippians 1:3]
It's because of your generosity that ministry like this can happen,
so CLEARLY know that we don't take your kindness for granted!
Finally at the top of our steepest climb on
the 2010 Mission Possible Tour….whew!
And just in case you are not yet a "Come & Go" partner,
please accept this, our invitation for you to become one.
The invitation is: "Will you partner with us, God's Hands Agency, Inc.,
with just $10 (or more if you'd like) a month?"
Your acceptance to our invitation is as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Say YES, I'll "Come and Go" with you, starting at just $10 (or more if you'd like) a month.
Step 2 is how your YES is registered.
At the starting point of the 2010 MPT - Lake Itasca, Minnesota,
where the Mississippi River starts as a tiny creek.
A good example that even the mightiest ministry starts with a single step.
You can make your secure, tax deductible online donation by using our website.
You will find that you have the option of making your donation a monthly
automatic withdrawal, or, if you prefer, you can try your hand at remembering
to visit the site every month to make your "Come & Go" donation.
Whatever works for you will help us to continue to the mission of,
"working the works of Him who has sent us."
Mark 9:4
Or, the final option is to use snail mail / The US Postal service
to mail your "Come & Go" partner's donation in every month.
We certainly don't mind if you don't! LOL
Just make your check payable to:
God's Hands Agency, Inc.
and mail it to P.O. Box 585766 Orlando, Florida 32858.
Thank you SOOOOO much. We love you! Through His Grace,
Earline E. Blumhagen / EEB
A "wanna be" blogger
In-couraging others to:
Live & Learn. Love & Lead.