Hello, My name is ...
Earline Blumhagen. I am a Speaker, Teacher, Trainer, Biblical Life Coach and a Signing Mom to 3 "grown and gone" kids, 2 of which are Deaf.
I hail from Orlando, Florida, The City Beautiful, where my hubby Jon and I are passionate Servant Leaders. We have been entrusted with both a "for profit" family owned and operated business,
and a "non profit" organization, GodsHandsAgency.com
As a Professional Inspirational Speaker, I specialize in utilizing lots of practical life humor to communicate the fact that "Your Mission Is Possible" in the areas of Deaf & Death. These 2 arenas break down to include:
1. Personal Development
2. Effective Parent / Family Involvement, and
3. Healthy Grieving
My mission is simply to
"Help You Be A Better You!"
I am fluent in ASL/American Sign Language and make myself available, so please contact us today if we can be of assistance.
In the interim, thank you for sharing the gift of your time.