How's YOUR prayer life these days?
God's ways are NOT like my ways,
Nor are His thoughts anything like my thoughts ... For Really!
The above reference to scripture was used in a jingle I wrote and recorded (on my phone) LOL. It was based on my life verses found in Isaiah 55:8,9.
These days, the time I spend in prayer, the side bar conversations I have with God (and they are many), the time I spend listening to His directives, meditating on His Word, exploring His faithfulness ... are all disciplines that I find vital to my spiritual health. But honestly, it hasn't always been like this, and honestly, it's not always easy.
I remember like it was yesterday, the days I spent sitting on the throne of my own heart, acting as if I was the creator and substainer of life. You see, I was the lord of MY life in a nutshell.
Trust me, I am NOT proud of this by a long shot, but I'm determined to "tell the truth and shame the devil" in hopes that my "hall of shame" will help somebody.
Back then I only prayed when I had a specific assignment for God to accomplish, which normally included Him rescuing me from some crazy mess I had gotten myself into. Or, I was asking Him to bless my food. For Really!
But God! Because He lives and reigns in my life, today I can shout and sing with a humble heart and an uplifted head. You see, "I'm Sooooo Glad Jesus Lifted Me ... Satan Had Me Bound, But Jesus Lifted Me."
And YES, I'm still a work in progress, but at least I am aware of that fact. Thus, I'm singing Glory Hallelujah, cause I KNOW that I KNOW that it was Jesus who reached waaayyyyy down and "Lifted Me."
So, how's YOUR prayer life these days? If you need someone to pray with you I make myself available, as I know God is Able!
I am Earline Blumhagen
a Biblical Life Coach
a Grief Supports Guru
a Mess Ministry fleshed out,
a "Wanna Be Blogger"
a proud SMODA
(Signing Mom of 2 Deaf Adults)
Known as "Baby Gurl" to my Father
My mantra is:
Live & Learn. Love & Lead.
Dedicated to
"Helping YOU Be A Better YOU!"
Thanks for stopping by.