Monday, October 19, 2015

Thank YOU ... For Really!!!

That Moment When ...
“Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for ALL of you, ... ”
Romans 1:8a NLT

Yesterday was Sunday, October 18th, 2015 and it was also the 3rd day of my 50th year here in the land of the dying. 10/18/15 will also go down in history as the day God taught me that I don't know NOTHING! For Really! 

You see as I give pause to/ serious thought to the fact my one and only daughter, aka MiMi, was able to precisely coordinate and organize more than 70 people from my past and present life to come together to celebrate me in one place and I knew NOTHING about it, defined the moment that I really realized that I don't know JACK / NOTHING. For really! 

Everything that I thought to be happening was so far in the left field of "NOT" that even my spirit man has gone thru a transformation from this. And for the record, that's a real good thing! 

So I am thanking God for YOU, a vital part of this personal shift in my life. This is but one of many results of my 50th Surprise Birthday Party. 

And I want to sincerely thank YOU for loving me,  and participating in the festivities. Needless to say it was BIG heart thumping fun afternoon to say the least. 

I have methodically read every word of every card and have shed many tears of joy. Every gift I received was obviously chosen out of a deep abiding love for me,  and I am truly overwhelmed by God's love expressed thru you. 

Y'all did it. I love you for it and I don't believe I will ever be the same because of "That Moment When ..." 

Thank YOU for loving and celebrating me. I love you too, each of you to the moon and back and back to the moon and back and .... 

And just like The Apostle Paul,  “... I long to visit (with each of ) you so I can (continue to ) bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to (always be used of God to) encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.”
Romans 1:10-12 NLT

Humbly Submitted,

Earline E. Blumhagen
a Mess Ministry fleshed out .... 


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Touch Me, I Ain't Scared!

Touch Me Again ... I'm NOT Mad! 

God is soooooo good. As I am in planning mode today, working on several events to include the "Surviving The Holidays" Grief Seminar and Reception here in Orlando on November 7th, a woman of God reached out to me with a sponsorship for 2 people to attend. 

Needless to say she too had a Grief Recovery testimony, as do I. When I reach the end of her message my soul was overflowing with worship for my King.  I found myself singing the lyrics below as I responded to her private message. 

 It got soooooooooo good y'all that I just had to share it with you. I hope you're OK with this ... Actually, even if you aren't I challenge you to pray these lyrics in faith, asking God to "Touch You." 

Little do you know that His touch is the one you've been waiting for. So go ahead  and invite Him to touch YOU even NOW! 

He Touched Me 

Shackled by a heavy burden
'Neath a load of guilt and shame
Then the hand of Jesus touched me
Now I am no longer the same.

He touched me, oh He touched me
And oh the joy that floods my soul
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole.

Since I met the blessed Saviour
Since He cleansed and made me whole
I will never cease to praise Him
I'll shout it while eternity rolls.

He touched me, oh He touched me
And oh the joy that floods my soul
Something happened and now I know
He touched me and made me whole. 

I'm Earline Blumhagen, the mother of this clan and a Mess Ministry fleshed out. This has been good, but I have to call it a rap for now. 

If you need someone  to pray with you or you just need someone to listen, call or text me at 407.448.1987. God loves you and so do I.