This blog post was inspired by First Five ... A Daily Devotional App for Women created by P31. Download it today and Become the change you want to see in others.
Being transformed like Noah ... You've gotta read Romans 12:2 in your Bible right now because that's how Noah was transformed ... by God's Amazing Grace. Grace manifested through a new mindset, cause folk can make you wanna cuss, fight, walk away, pray down Hell fire bombs and more. But God!
Grace. It's definitely not typical , it's unmerited, that's why it's called Grace. It's favor ... Favor extended from God to my sinning self. Daily. Can you imagine?
So when I think of being transformed by God's grace like Noah's drinking self (don't judge me LOL), I think of being thrust in a place of such love and gratitude that I too start extending grace to others, just like my my Daddy who invites me to cry out "Abba Father!"
All day everyday, to the best of my ability I seek His face for opportunities to BE like Him. So, oftentime as I am aware of God's grace being poured out on me, I actually hear from God on each situation I find myself in. And as He walks with me and talks with me (thru His Word and thru His Holy Spirit), He tells me what GRACE should look like in each situation.
Practically, many a day me extending God's Grace looks like this:
1. Me letting them have the parking spot even if I was there first
2. Me returning not only my shopping cart but someone else's too who would have let their cart hit somebody's else's car
3. Me picking up trash when I didn't put it there ... and they always leave a mess. Grown folk.
4. Me leaving a place, thing or even a person in better shape than they were before they "experienced" me, even when I know they don't particularly care for me
5. Me simply laughing at my kids or somebody else's kids who tried to play a prank that wasn't really funny, but just ruined my new carpet
6. Me letting a perpetrator know that I have forgiven him or her for an intentional wrong deed done against me, etc.
Note that when it comes to Me extending Grace, that decision starts with ME, every time. Because, Grace. Grace. God's Grace, His Grace is sufficient for me. Grace, Grace, God's Grace, His Grace will give you the VICTORY!
God's Grace exuding thru me and extending to others in love.
Noah found grace in God's eyes (See Genesis 6:6-8 ) because he stood on The Lord's side no matter what "The Street Committee" did or said.
Noah developed a bold confidence in who God is and every WORD God said. And like Noah, if I want to find grace in God's eye, I too have to learn to trust Him with my EVERYTHING.
Trust the fact that He is who He says He is ( gotta read The Bible to find out WHO He says He is) and, commit to letting Him do whatever He wants to do both in and through you.
It's a serious TRUST factor my friend.
But why wouldn't I trust Him? He's The ONLY God who made Himself a sacrifice by intentionally allowing His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on a cross, as if He were a criminal, for you and I ... for ALL our sin. Can you imagine?
He exchanged His righteousness for OUR sin. I mean really? Who does that? AND, just like He said He would, He actually raised Jesus from the dead to prove to us that He is God.
So why wouldn't I trust Him?
Why won't you trust Him today?
Besides He's The ONLY way that you can have access to the Grace you need to overcome. And you and I both know that there's something that you need to overcome today.
So, won't you "Come To Jesus" right now. You can pray to receive his FREE gift of Grace right now!
Need some help? Call or Text me at 4074481987.
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#aMessMinistry personified
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