Embarrassing, But True.
At first I was really embarrassed, but as the song writer said, "I Can See Clearly Now That The Rain Has Gone." "Yes, I'm open, ... " that's what I told God. " If you want me to share this Mess in the form of a positive message, have at it, cause I just wanna be FREE."
Me at Monster Truck 2013, I'm Free to be Me!!! |
From The Mission Possible Tour In our tent preparing for bed |
Jon and I are the headwaters of The Mississippi River. Getting ready to start a 2,222 mile tour, just the two of us. I did it! Visit www.The WiFiPedalers.com |
Pointing at a boo-boo I had happen on The Mission Possible Tour. Yep, I whined, but kept going, all the way. |
I was exhausted and had stormed out of the bedroom, I wanted so badly just to be back in bed, but pride had me hold off in hopes that he'd come after me. I had been battling a head cold and was not feeling well, all the medication and home remedies had me in a place that made it hard for me to sleep, and that's why I was still up anyways. Yada, Yada, Yada, this is my story and the song I sang at the time ... thus, my saga continued, through prayer that was. Yep, I prayed and talked my way through.
That's when I heard Him whisper, "baby girl, get up and go to bed. I covered all that with My blood, on The Cross. ... You don't have to respond to everything, I didn't." You're tired, what do you want? Healing or do you WANT to hurt? Is this your way of winning this " make no sense" fight you're trying to have with your husband ? This makes no sense, Go to bed."
I hear the song - "There's power in The blood "
Often time our feelings are hurt, we feel crushed, or we experience heart retching pain from the wrongs we've encountered on our journey. Albeit, sometimes these hurts have been intentional, while other times our loved ones and friends have no idea they have wounded us. But either way, these wrongs can hurt us deeply. If we are not careful, this kind of pain, especially when the offense has come from someone we know and love, can lead to: anger, restlessness, un-forgiveness, and so much more that is not like God. These negative emotions always lead to deeper roots of bitterness, can lead us to a place we really don't want to go, so be careful. Even as Blood brought Believers, we have to be especially careful not to abandoned The Mission Possible of "living peacefully with all men."
I even learned how to live peacefully with Thor, a 3 foot high Great Dane we spent the night with at a Viking Bed & Breakfast in Minnesota. |
Girls just having fun, in-joying each other and taking time for TEA/ Time to Encourage and Adorn. |
These ladies took time for TEA as well, which is VERY important, because the next year one of these ladies was dead. |
I hear the song - I Must Tell Jesus."
In His infallible Word, as recorded by The Apostle John, The Beloved, God tells us about The Great Tribulation. See Revelation 7. But today I want to challenge you to read this portion of the scripture from the perspective of your own personal here and now tribulations. The kinds of trials, testings, troubles and tribulations that are being experienced by saints and sinners alike. In this upcoming portion of scripture, God has something to say about how we can respond to everything that comes up against us in a Christ like manner. No matter what, because there really is wonder-working power In The Blood of The Lamb.
So, let's have some TEA time, meaning, let's take the Time to Explore/Encourage and Adorn ourselves with God's promises. Even those of us that have been abandoned and/or abused by those you loved, and those who may have a child, parent or spouse who is deathly ill and the doctors have done all they can do. Even those who are facing situations and challenges that require finances and there is no money, no job and apparently no help in sight. Maybe you're not quit sure how you're gonna make it and really your emotional and mental state is telling you to end it all right now. Hold on for a minute please, because I found a profound promise from our God just for us, Jesus' Blood Brought Believers.
Come on where the table is spread for TEA time. |
TEA time makes us healthy and happy. |
Revelation chapter 7.
14b ... “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
15 Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them.
16 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat;
17 for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
Jon's Samson picture. Pitiful or Powerful, What will it be??? |
I hear the next verse of the song - " There's Power In The Blood." Asks the question, "Would you o'er evil a victory win?"
Just remember that ALL things are possible with God, even pink elephants. For Really. LOL |
"There's Power In The Blood."
Written by Lewis E. Jones ( 1899)
Would you be free from your passion and pride?There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide;
There’s wonderful power in the blood.
Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow.
There’s wonderful power in the blood.
Would you do service for Jesus your King?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing?
There’s wonderful power in the blood.
There is power, power, wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is power, power, wonder working power
In the precious blood of the Lamb.
Imagine if ALL Believers lived as though we really believed that we embody Jesus' resurrection, wonder-working power. Wow!!!! That's an awesome thought. All so that THE World may know Him!
Well, I've decided to recommit myself to living life "like I know," and you're invited to please join me on this amazing journey, as I seek to: Live and Learn, Love and Lead others to Him. .
Earline E. Blumhagen
Live & Learn. Love & Lead.
407.448.1987 voice
407.504.0837 vp
www.The WiFiPedalers.com
Blumhagen, as she's affectionately called on The Urban Radio Network lives in Orlando, Fl as an empty nester with her husband and best friend, Jon Anthony Blumhagen. Earline in-joys teaching, traveling, and Biblically coaching others in how they too can reach their God-given potential. She is fluent in ASL/America Sign Language and is a first choice favorite speaker, teacher and emcee for special events.